In the heart of Marseille the legendary factory blends pure ingredients in huge, ancient cauldrons considered national treasures. Then, in a process both historic and modern, the mix is mechanically pressed into a harder soap of exceptional quality. Stamped with the iconic markings protected by French law.
These soap bars have many uses:
- Decor - perfect for your kitchen window sill or bathroom apothecary shelf
- Soap Bar - The most oblivious use, great for kitchen sinks or use in the shower
- Stain Remover - Just moisten the stained area and rub with the soap bar
- Laundry Detergent - Grate approx. 1 cup of your soap cube and melt it in 4 litres/ 1 gallon of hot water. Allow it to cool a little bit and add 1/2 cup baking soda as well as 1/2 cup of white vinegar.
- Plant Insecticide - Dissolve some grated soap into water, shake to mix well. Spray on the plant lightly and within 3 treatments your bug situation specifically aphids should be resolved.
- Makeup Brush Cleaner - Get your soap wet or hold under a light stream of water. Gently circle your makeup brushes on the soap to get them a bit sudsy, and massage the soap out under the water.
- Leather Cleaner - Soak a cloth in diluted water and soap bath. Squeeze it out and use it to buff up your leather products even shoes.
One giant bar of soap -with so many uses!